Increased SCSD Response Requests

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Players are able to opt in to extra or increased response from our law enforcement officers. These extra options are approved at staff’s discretion and solely for "end of storyline" wrap-ups.

Before submitting a request we ask all players involved to review the following information - not just the leader/person messaging the support bot.


  • Increased number of LEOs who can come to a scene past our 6 man limit. Please note in your request how many you are wanting to come. You may give a specific maximum (for example, up to 10 LEOs) or choose an unlimited cap and whatever officers are online may respond.
  • Increased LEO response which could include Gatling gun, cannon, law being given special weapons, etc


We expect all players on both the criminal and the law side of things to extend the scene and make it cinematic, rather than PVP focused. The goal should not be to “win” or to down other players but to prioritize roleplay and make an exciting scene to end the current storyline. Below are some dos and don’ts:


  • Intentionally miss shots to extend the firefight
  • Actively speak and roleplay through the scene
  • Allow roleplay to happen before the first shots are fired. Please do not immediately escalate into violence.
  • Expect your gang to eventually be downed/captured


  • Intentionally shoot to kill, especially early on in the fight
  • Fight aggressively to attempt to escape the fight - this is intended to be a storyline wrap up!
  • Prioritize gunplay over roleplay
  • Abuse execution animations


These requests are solely for giving a big scene at the end of a storyline. There are a multiple options available for players to give proper weight to this kind of large-scale scene and ending. Additionally, if you have other ideas, you’re always welcome to propose them to the staff team in the request and you should not feel limited to our ideas below! Whatever you propose, it should be an end to that story arc and be a reset for the criminal and gang while giving the LEO team breathing room before the next active arc of the character.

Here are some examples of storyline wrap-ups:

  • A character perma-death
  • A character ends up as a Sisika lifer
  • A character is captured and agrees to execution
  • A character takes a long-term Sisika stay - think 1 month or longer

Not all players involved have to have some major end to their story, but it would be expected that the majority of the gang members would have some impactful consequence as a result of the approved increased LEO response.

Players on the criminal side must also accept the possibility that due to the nature of organic roleplay, it is possible to be arrested by law before the law escalation is approved, or after approval prior to them being able to ‘set up’ for it. We do not interfere with organic roleplay, so if this happens, players are expected to go with the roleplay.


  • All players involved must be in good standing within the server currently.
  • The gang/criminals must have shown previous good etiquette on the server.
  • There must not have been an increased LEO response too recently on the server as we do not wish to diminish the seriousness of such an event.
  • Players involved are actually willing to “wrap up” the storyline, and more than one player has some type of consequence (unless there is only 1 player in the request).
  • Players must properly submit a support bot request with complete details per the form below. Please note that staff requires some advance notice to process requests.
  • Players must acknowledge that organic roleplay may interfere with plans and are expected to go with the flow as it plays out.

How to Submit for Approval

The main organizer/gang leader should message the support bot with the below information so the staff team can process your request:

-Discord IDs of all players involved & their criminals’ names:
-Brief history of the gang/criminal with the Sheriff's Department:
-Reason for the end of the storyline/why you want an increased response:
-Day and time of this mini event:
-Rough Plan for this mini event: (Where is it going to be, what are you going to do, how do you want to alert the LEOs there’s a problem somewhere for them to respond, etc.)
-Options you want us to approve our officers doing: (Please be specific with exact numbers regarding extra players or things they can bring/use)

After the initial request has been reviewed, we will inform the leader to have all members of the group reach out and message the support bot with the following:

-Confirmation that you have read the guidelines for the increased SCSD response rate and understand the staff team's expectations for you
-General idea of what you’re thinking you will do with your character to wrap up the storyline (This does not have to be set in stone, but just to give an idea of the level of consequence you are open to)

Once we have approved your request, the staff team will respond via support bot. Depending on the complexity or needs of the event, in rare cases we may also opt to have a final voice call with the criminal players involved to ensure we are ready to go. This will be stated in our message if necessary.

At that point the staff team will give directions regarding the increased response to the LEOs, ensuring it is vague enough they will not be spoiled as to what the scene will entail. This will make them aware they have approval to respond to your group/scene with increased tools.

Players who fail to meet expectations for an approved request are unlikely to be approved to participate in future requests, so we ask that all players ensure they are willing and capable on both sides of the fight to abide by our expectations.

Thank you and good luck on the event!