Sisika Guard Guidelines

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Revision as of 19:38, 4 August 2022 by IanMMori (talk | contribs)
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Established law enforcement officers serving on duty in the Saint’s Crossing Sheriff’s Department have the unique opportunity to create an alternate law character to serve as a Sisika Prison Guard. This special role will only be available to currently enlisted SCSD law players.


To apply for this role you must be an approved law player who has completed at least 30 days in the law department. Reach out to staff with your character idea via the support bot.

The character, if approved, will be invited for an interview with the warden (Big L) and then may begin guarding the island.


Corruption will not be permitted in this role without prior staff permission.

All Saints Crossing laws and rules apply.

Should your roleplay on the island be deemed inappropriate you will be contacted by staff, there will be a review and if deemed necessary your guard will be removed from service on the island and you will not be permitted to play the character going forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Sisika Penitentiary?

Sisika Penitentiary is a maximum-security prison, located on an island just off the coast of Lemoyne.

What does it mean to be sentenced to Sisika?

Sisika is the end of the line, with the exception of capital punishment, there is no worse punishment in Saint’s Crossing than to be sent to the prison island.

This maximum-security prison houses a mix of people serving various sentences (including some who will be there for life) but everyone is here for a reason.

What is the role of the guard?

Your job is to be the law - to have the prisoners contribute towards repaying their debts to society - this includes engaging with the activities on the island - potato digging, mining and fishing.

Enforce the atmosphere of maximum security - the routine, the lack of privacy, complete occasional searches and enforce the rules when they step out of line.

This roleplay is meant to flesh out the RP experience on the island; it should be fun. Your guard can take a number of approaches to how they fulfill their role but they should be faithful to the law and faithful to their role at the facility.