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Slightly Edited image for Canonical Appearance
Biographical Information
Full Name [REDACTED]
Status Alive
Nickname(s) "Mr. C" "C"
Nationality/Ethnicity USA
Gender Nonbinary (They/Them/He/Him)
Occupation Your New Best Friend
Affiliation(s) Ambiguous
Relatives [REDACTED]
Date of Birth Original date Unknown. Chosen date April 29th
Age Age Unknown. Roughly 19-20 (Constantine would say 6,000)
Place of Birth [REDACTED]
Significant Other Ambiguous
Horse Steve
Portrayed By NeonScorpionPlays

Constantine is a kind yet clinically insane individual trying their best to live a good life and do good. Their past and history is shrouded in mystery, even to themselves. But they seek to unravel the mystery of who they are, and hope that it will guide them in finding their place in the world. A World that up until this point they have been sheltered from.


Early Life


Recent History

Constantine woke up in Tumbleweed one day, unaware of how they got there. From that point on Constantine has wandered The Crossing trying to build a life for themself. Along the way they have made many new friends, but most importantly a man named Kuniklo. Kuniklo was the first person to help Constantine get on their feet, and from that moment on Constantine has viewed Kuniklo as a very close friend. With his help Constantine began to find his way in The Crossing and learn to adapt to the new world he was thrust into. From there Constantine continued to wander, doing odd jobs and helping anyone he encountered. Constantine eventually met a young woman known only as "Girl". They very quickly realized that they were both like-minded and "different", and soon became very close friends. After meeting Girl, Constantine decided to set out and make his goal the formation of a "Family" that would give a home and protection to any outcasts or strange individuals of The Crossing. Now they seek non-violent individuals looking for a home who have been turned away by society for being different in one way or another, all in the hopes of making the Family they never got to have.

Events in Saint's Crossing



Constantine is an overtly friendly but very odd young person. They seem to be kind and helpful to anyone who cross their path. Constantine is spontaneous and seeks adventure and fun. They are incredibly innocent and idealistic, seeing the best in everyone and everything. Despite their innocence they often have valuable insight, and often offers advice to people who seek it.

Constantine clearly suffers from severe untreated mental illness. Despite this Constantine overcomes it to try and live a good life filled with friends. Though it can be unnerving to some to catch him speaking or looking at things that are not there.


Skin - Caucasian (Very Pale)

Eyes - Ice Blue

Hair - Silver/White, Red roots

Height - 6' 1"

Weight - 180 (Lean Muscular Build)

Notable Physical Traits

Constantine has a very well toned muscular physique.

His Chest has two large scars forming an X across his frontal right chest and abdomen.

Constantine has a large scar on the left side of their face.

Constantine is always barefoot, and his feet are covered in tough scars.

They have a Tattoo of an open eye on the right side of their neck, as well as tattoos extending from his left shoulder down to his left hand displaying black tentacles and eyes, as well as strange symbols and runes.

A Large runic circle is Tattooed on their Back.

Constantine's eyes are almost always sleepy, and ringed by black tired circles.

Constantine's ears are pierced with various different rings of different colored metal.

Almost always smiling.


Constantine is Demisexual, a form of Asexuality that requires the forming of a strong personal relationship with a person before romantic feeling develop; regardless of gender.

Constantine's relationships are somewhat ambiguous. They seem to struggle to comprehend what a relationship actually is beyond just friendship. Although he does form very close bonds to a few people. Two of which are a woman named "Girl" and a man named Kuniklo.

"Girl" and Constantine are the closest, and could be seen as being in a relationship, although not a traditionally romantic one. Constantine is innocently protective of "Girl" and wants to take care of her.


  • Constantine likes collecting Knives (and other bladed weapons), apparently having 47 of them lining his large fur rimmed jacket at all times. He doesn't know why.
  • Constantine loves Cats, he often wanders town to town feeding and naming all the strays.
  • Constantine has been given many titles, including but not limited to: Wizard, Gremlin, Angel, Void-Fish, Samurai, Goblin, Eldritch Entity, and [REDACTED]
  • Constantine hates shoes, finding them uncomfortable due to scar tissue on their feet.
  • Constantine does not know their true age or birthday, and with the guidance of a friend named Draven they picked his birth date as April 29th, and the age of 6,000 years old.
  • Constantine's favorite foods are Chocolate Milk, and Marley's Peach Cobbler.
  • Constantine seems to never sleep, or avoid sleep if at all possible.
  • Constantine's Favorite color is Cyan Blue.
  • Constantine believes his horse, Steve, speaks to him... and is a cannibal.


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