WildRP Lore

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WildRP Lore

General Universe Lore

WildRP takes place in a alternate universe where racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and issues of human inequality/mass exploitation did not occur. Slavery is unheard of in this universe, and the concept of it at any time in history would confuse most humans. In general not all historical events and persons occurred with 1 - 1 accuracy in this universe, however the timeline of history is relatively similar to the real world with the previous in mind.

Some events may be eliminated to simplify adherence to this ruling, for example the Civil War did not occur in this world, and any “Northerner vs Southerner” animosity would be strictly unrelated to issues of slavery.

Saint’s Crossing Lore

Saint's Crossing is a fictional region located somewhere in the southern, midwestern, and western areas of the United States. It is composed of multiple territories with varying progress in statehood and levels of civilization. The regions are as follows;

State of Lemoyne

Situated along the Lannahechee River delta, Lemoyne is the most developed and civilized area in Saints Crossing and has held full federal recognition for many years. The capital city of Saint Denis holds sway over the entire region, and various federal and state offices are located in the heavily industrialized city. The rest of the region is a mix of rural towns, farmland, marshes and bayous.

New Hanover Territory

Spanning from the eastern coal fields across the heartland plains, New Hanover is the largest region in Saint’s Crossing, but is still in the process of formal federal recognition. The regional capital is located in the rough and tumble ranching town of Valentine, and some locals and their representatives are not happy with the “end of the Wild West”. The area is composed of a wide mix of terrain and is littered with natural resource harvesting operations and ranches.

Commonwealth of West Elizabeth

Located in the southern Grizzly mountains near the Montana Rivers, West Elizabeth is a newly recognized region, with a capital located in the rapidly developing river town of Blackwater. The region is generally well populated with ranches and work camps. West Elizabeth and it’s towns are generally considered the final stop civilization has fully reached.

Ambarino Territory

Composed of the northern Grizzly mountains, Ambarino is a territory which is still being “annexed” by the US government. It is a wild region where safety cannot be guaranteed, but is still patrolled regularly by government officials. The region is sparsely populated, and carrying a gun is recommended at all times for safety from dangerous animals.

New Austin Frontier

Located in the area below the Lower Montana river, the New Austin frontier is still outside of the US Government’s sphere of influence. The river town of Thieves Landing is sometimes patrolled by peace officers out of Blackwater, but beyond that the Law generally avoids the frontier. The criminal capital of Armadillo and deserts around it are considered a dangerous lawless zone.

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