Bounty Hunter Guidelines

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Players who are interested in creating a Bounty Hunter should send a DM to the Support Bot expressing their interest. Bounty Hunters are contracted by the SCSD to apprehend and turn in wanted criminals. These characters are lawful, and acting outside the bounds of bounty hunter rules can result in loss of the role and in-character punishments.

Existing characters can become a Bounty Hunter pending staff approval but MUST be 100% lawful on an OOC level. Characters who have committed any crime in the past month are very unlikely to be approved for the role, and characters who are friends or romantically involved with criminals will likely be denied. No players are automatically approved for this role (including current and former LEOs).

As this role comes with higher responsibility, ideal candidates will be players who have needed little to no corrective action in the past.

Once you have been approved, you will receive a Support Bot message to contact the Sheriff's Department for your IC review for a Bounty Hunting License.

We request that you answer the following questions in that bot message:

Bounty Hunter Application

  • Why do you want to be a bounty hunter?
  • What do you think you could bring to this role?
  • What do you think is the most important part of being a good bounty hunter?
  • When it comes to scenes with PVP, what do you find important etiquette-wise?
  • What do you think bounty hunters could do wrong/poorly that may negatively impact another player's experience on the server?
  • Please describe your character's full name, telegram number, and backstory.
  • Do you understand and agree to the lawfulness requirements of this role? Please note it is a rule break if you break these requirements without prior approval.
  • If your character has a criminal history in the Crossing, what type of crimes have they committed and when was the last time they committed a crime?

Expectations of a Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunters will follow all of Saints Crossings laws in the undertaking of their work. They will communicate in the manner expected of lawful civilians and are expected to work closely with SCSD (putting in tips regarding criminals and criminal behavior, etc). They will not impede SCSD in their work or work against the law team in any way.

Additionally, you should follow all existing rules of WildRP - this includes not using meta to identify bounties. You may acquire knowledge about them via the newspaper, descriptions from the LEO team, other characters, or direct interactions. Voice Identification should occur very sparingly and only when it makes sense - such as characters who have extensive history and would logically recognize a voice, and the other party is not attempting to alter their voice in any way. Disguises should be respected. Failure to respect disguises (especially facial coverings combined with an attempt to alter the character’s voice) may result in removal of the role.

Minor corruption may occur while undertaking bountries such as minor physical harm during or after apprehension of the bounty, but will be subjected to in-character punishments if necessary. Unlike other lawful roles, Bounty Hunters are allowed to pretend to be friendly with criminals in order to gain information or get close to a bounty, especially under an alias or fake identity, but are still expected to send in tips to the SCSD especially regarding serious or violent crime and not participate in crimes themselves and should not form actual friendships. Repeated or overbearing minor corruption may result in removal of the role.

Major corruption will not be permitted in this role under any circumstances without prior staff permission. This includes communicating with wanted individuals to avoid their bounties, working with wanted individuals for monetary or social gain, causing harm to SCSD or other government employees through misuse of information, abusing your position as a bounty hunter in Saints Crossing, or any breach of the lawful guidelines. Unapproved major corruption will likely result in role removal and is a rule break.

In PVP situations Bounty Hunters are expected to use proper initiation and follow the guidelines for extending combat scenes, being mindful of town safety (risk of shooting civilians in crossfire etc), valuing the character’s life and valuing the lives of hostages who may be potentially used against them as they attempt to complete their bounty.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Sisika Penitentiary?