Joining the SCTA

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Welcome to your first steps in providing transit roleplay in Saints Crossing! Please read this entire guide to make sure your journey to providing transit roleplay on WildRP is a success.


What kinds of vehicles are available for me to use?

Currently, transit authority can operate both trains and steamboats/ferries. They can operate both passenger trains as well as the trains with safes on-board, known as High Value Transport Trains (HVTT for short).

Will I get robbed while on the job?

Transit RP can be very fun and rewarding to take part in. However, you must be prepared to “lose”...a lot. As a member of the transit authority, it is your duty to take care of your vehicle and its passengers, above all else. This often means that when your vehicle is getting robbed, you will be on the losing end unless you have security or the Law is onboard and handles the situation. It is important to keep this in mind and be prepared for this before starting your transit RP!

Do I have to be lawful?

Yes, being a member of the SCTA requires you to be completely lawful. For more information, click here.

The Process

Send a Telegram

To begin the journey of getting the role, please send a telegram to the Director of the SCTA. You may roleplay that you found the Director’s telegram posted at Wallace Station, or ask the transit employees for it in-character!

Director Chester Brown: FU459

Information Required
  • The character’s full name (should be the same as the character select menu)
  • The character’s telegram number
  • Any previous relevant knowledge
  • Why your character wants to join the authority & their end goal (If they want to become a conductor/boat captain or just general staff, etc)

If your character does not use the telegram system please reach out to the Support Bot to discuss an alternative that works for your character. Your character will be subject to an IC background check for lawfulness. The director will process your request and reach out via telegram for an in-character interview. You do not have to have relevant knowledge to join the transit authority but it could help your chances of being hired. If the interview goes well the Director will hire you as transit staff.

As a note, transit staff is a strictly lawful role and failure to remain lawful will lead to removal of the role.

What does it mean to be lawful?

While this question may be vague, we always recommend using your best judgment!

Here are some things a lawful character would do: (These are suggestions/ideas and do not need to be followed directly):

  • Work with the sheriffs and deputies
  • Disapprove of crimes
  • Follow the laws
  • Stick around lawful characters
  • Avoid being around criminals if possible

Here are some things lawful characters wouldn’t do:

  • Hide things or withhold info from sheriffs and deputies
  • Commit crimes themselves
  • Approve of crimes
  • Willingly be around often (building relationships with) people who are known criminals
  • Assist criminals be it information, supplies, etc.

Next Steps

Once you have been hired, introduce yourself to the transit characters of the Crossing. They will often allow you to help with their current transports and teach you the various skills needed to be part of the transit authority. This is your time to show off your roleplay skills both in character and out of character.

If your goal is to become a conductor or boat captain, the transit staff will provide pointers and assist you with getting up to speed if you’re not quite ready yet. Once the director feels you are ready to provide high quality transit roleplay, you will be promoted.