WildRP Server Rules

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WildRP Server Rules

Basic Terms of Service

Personal insults and/or verbal attacks outside of specific roleplay situations and all forms of harassment are prohibited and will result in a ban.

Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, hate speech, and all forms of targeted derogatory or abusive language will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.

Roleplay, text/voice chat, and general behaviour that violates the https://www.twitch.tv/p/en-gb/legal/terms-of-service/" Twitch Terms of Service (ToS) or "https://www.twitch.tv/p/en-gb/legal/community-guidelines/" Twitch Community Guidelines or "https://discord.com/terms/" Discord Terms of Service is prohibited and will result in a ban.

Basic Community Policies

We are an English-speaking server, all communication must be primarily conducted via English. Fluency in English is required to join the community.

You must be 18 years or older to apply for allowlisting to the community. This is non-negotiable to ensure we are within ToS for all 3rd party applications we utilize. All characters on the server must be portrayed with a minimum age of 18.

You must have a working microphone with no background noise and decent quality overall sound. Failure to maintain good quality audio will result in application denial or temporary ban until the audio is fixed.

We require all community members to utilize the WildRP Discord for communication and permissions management. Failure to maintain membership in the Discord server will result in community removal.

Should disagreements or instances of rule-breaking arise in-game, all members should attempt to roleplay through them without breaking character. Once the scenario is completed, members may then send in reports to staff. If the previous is impossible, a WildRP staff member may contacted immediately. Out-of-character (OOC) arguments will not be tolerated. If you believe a player has broken a rule submit a report via the Website Report feature rather then starting an argument.

If a person's overall quality of roleplay ability is deemed too low/inconsistent for the server, that person may be placed under staff review. Subject to staff review any person on the server may receive disciplinary actions up to and including permanent bans for character conduct which is deemed detrimental to the server.

All weapons are fully dangerous/lethal at all times unless a server announcement from staff is made for a specific event. This means all shootings and stabbings are real and must be dealt with through roleplay as if they are real. Practice fighting with weapons is not allowed. Theatrical fighting should be restricted to stage areas and conducted in pre-announced events. All set duels with other characters will result in permanent character death/injury for the losing side.

The utilization of glitches, exploits, hacks, third-party crosshairs/aim pips, or bugs for personal gain will result in a ban from the server. Hacking in particular is zero tolerance and will result in a permanent ban. If you find a glitch or in-game exploit please notify the staff via the website forms.

Erotic Roleplay of any kind is not tolerated and will result in a permanent ban. Forced relationship roleplay/potential rape and anything remotely close to it will also result in a permanent ban.

Suicide Roleplay of any kind is not tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.

Staff Communication Policy

If a community member needs to communicate with a staff member on an official level, they should privately message the WildRP Support Bot on Discord (WildRP Support#2174) before direct messaging a staff member. Player reports may be filed using the report tool on the website.

Revive/New Character Policy

The Revive/New Character Policy covers new characters and all events & actions leading up to a character being incapacitated, losing conciousness, or dying.

Players should not purposefully utilize information gained during an incapacitated, unconscious, or dead state to directly self benefit, get revenge, report on criminals, or otherwise negatively impact other's roleplay.

If a player is gravely injured (multiple gunshot wounds, bear/wolf attack, multiple knife wounds, poison, being thrown off a cliff, etc) the injured player should not be communicating well until healed and should limit communication and memory of the incident and the period of time leading up to treatment.

Should a player revive via pressing F to revive at the nearest doctor, that player must avoid returning to the area of "incapacitation" for a significant amount of time on any character.

Should a character die, that player must avoid bringing another character to the same area for a significant amount of time, and must forgot all information the dead character knew.

Common sense should be utilized when following this policy and will be utilized in enforcing it. Failure to to adhere to this policy may result in a ban.

Value of Life Policy

At all times on the server, you must value your life and the lives of others. Characters should act according to their personality and mannerisms when faced with a threat to their life, but must always attempt to preserve their own life and limit the damage done to other's lives.

Frequent participation in vigilantism, quick drawing/rapidly pulling weapons, or other violent/dangerous behavior likely to lead to severe injury or death can possibly be considered failure to value life. Community members may ask the staff team for a definitive answer as to whether specific behaviours would be considered failure to value life.

Common sense should be utilized when following this policy and will be utilized in enforcing it. Failure to to adhere to this policy may result in a ban.

Forced Death Policy

Players should not force other players to permanently kill their characters. Players must always give three different types of options in these scenarios unless they have specific pre-approval from staff or the people they are interacting with. The options are as follows;

1. Permanent character death with OOC consent from all parties involved.

2. Temporary shelving of character (not playing this character for a specific amount of time) with OOC consent from all parties involved.

3. Roleplay/Gameplay effect. This typically involves temporary consequences such injury, captivity, robbery, or another solution which lets the individual decide their own final fate at a later point in time.

Hogtied/Roped Policy

Players should utilize common sense when hogtied, if they aren’t positive escaping makes sense, then they should not attempt escape. Escaping without a blade or rock should take longer than with. Players should generally not break out of hogties unless;

Your captor is outside of shouting voice range (32f).

Your captor has left you in an indoor room alone.

A major distraction occurs, such as gunfire or explosions.

Captor indicates to do so via RP or OOC instruction.

No Out Of Character

Roleplaying is the main purpose of this server. You must stay in character at all times while on the server. OOC chat has been disabled on the server and should be directed towards discord. Ignoring roleplay interactions and not interacting with others on the server is considered breaking character. Failure to stay in character is prohibited and may result in a ban.

No Meta-Gaming

Meta-Gaming is using external factors, information, or knowledge your character would not be able to obtain through normal roleplay means. This includes, but is not limited to, information gained through live streams, videos, and out of character text channels both on Discord and in-game. Meta-gaming is prohibited and may result in a ban. Watching streams while on server is prohibited. Watching streams related to your own character while offline is discouraged.

No Power-Gaming

Power-Gaming is attempting to always maximize the ability that you will "Win" all roleplay and gameplay scenarios at the cost of other's fun and ability to conduct good roleplay or gameplay. Consistent power gaming is prohibited and may result in a ban.

No Random Deathmatch (RDM)

Random Deathmatch is the act of intentionally harming another character without any attempted form of roleplay interaction. RDM is prohibited and will result in a ban.

Criminal Group Size Limit

WildRP will allow for a maximum of 6 armed group members in any group of players with criminal intent or criminal history to participate in an event at one time. Criminals may briefly meet in groups larger than 6, but should not wander the map or participate in firefights/melees in groups larger than 6 without staff approval. Approval may be received via direct messaging the WildRP Support Bot on Discord (WildRP Support#2174.)

Non-Criminal Group Size Limit

WildRP will allow for a maximum of 6 armed group members from any group of non-criminal civilians or Law to participate in a melee or firefight at one time. Non-criminal civilians or law enforcement may attend events and wander the map in groups larger than 6, but should not participate in firefights/melees in groups larger than 6 without staff approval. Approval may be received via direct messaging the WildRP Support Bot on Discord (WildRP Support#2174.)

Bank Robbery Rules

The following rules are designed to ensure bank robberies are a mechanic which encourages good roleplay while providing an intense, yet mutually enjoyable event for all parties involved.

1. In order to rob a bank there must be at least 4 Law on duty. Following our group size rule, the maximum number of criminal players that may participate in a bank robbery is 6, all criminals not directly involved in the bank robbery are expected to leave town due to the increased danger. This number will be adjusted as per server needs. Part of planning for a bank robbery is ensuring there are no more than 6 criminals fighting the Law at one time, even if the criminals retreat to a hideout or something similar.

2. For the time being, only 2 members of the robbery party may be outside of the bank (on a roof, waiting with horses, down the street, etc.) during a robbery. All 6 outlaws/robbers involved in a Bank Robbery must be waiting within town limits. Lawmen will have the option to ask how many outlaws are involved in the robbery, and if there are any on the outside. The outlaws must answer truthfully so Law can ensure those not involved are clearing the area.

3. Players should plan to be identified after a robbery, significant federal effort will be spent identifying bank robbers, and NPCs will be rewarded for sharing information. Robbers may wear masks or disguises, but will likely be identified due to the length and amount of people involved in a robbery.

4. Each Player may only rob a bank once every 4 days, this includes the person initiating the robbery and the people involved within the active robbery. This is a simple measure to prevent the mechanic from being overused. This number will be adjusted as per server needs.

5. If you are in town when a bank robbery begins, please RP as such. A bank robbery is a very dangerous situation and it will be expected all uninvolved players act accordingly and follow the directives of those involved in the scenario.The only players that should provide medical assistance at any point during a bank robbery are those involved from either the criminal or Law side at the incident, all uninvolved medics are expected to leave the area as well. Any character that is hanging around near a bank robbery may be potentially be charged with a crime due to Peace Officers declaring Martial Law.

6. If Bank Robbers choose to take player hostages, it must be via an organic interaction. Arranging hostages via OOC pre-planning is not allowed. Bank NPCs are spawned in to be utilized as hostages, and are expected to be treated as players during Robbery scenarios. All hostage taking is requested to be conducted with good etiquette, and any form of excessive violence or torture involving hostages which detracts from the Robbery scenario is discouraged.

7. Law will treat all hostages and the safety of the citizenry as their priority during Bank Robberies. They will most likely declare Martial Law and clear the street the Bank is located on. Law will not attempt to breach, engage, or generally conduct offensive movement until they verify hostage safety/death via hostage transfers. Law will ask how many robbers are involved in the situation, and how many hostages the robbers have, and expect a truthful response. Law will be set up to engage, but will not engage until the criminals initiate combat.

8. If the Outlaw/Robber group decides during a Robbery to engage in a shootout, they are required to fire a warning shot. The reasoning behind this is so no player is immediately killed without a chance to engage in the roleplay scenario. When/if outlaws have decided they would like to escalate a robbery into violence, they must fire off a shot and wait 10 seconds before engaging in combat. Once the robbers have fired off their initial shot and waited the 10 seconds, the situation is considered to have moved into combat and all parties are free to engage at will.

Impersonation Policy

Impersonation of government officials and Law Enforcement Officers is allowed. Falsification of ID documents or Law Enforcement badges is not. If a player asks for an impersonator for "official identification", then impersonation should not occur or cease happening. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a ban.

In Game Leadership Policy

Any player that is a designated leader within any in-game entity (e.g. a criminal gang, a law enforcement department, a civilian business) will have higher expectations in communication, gameplay, and rules adherence placed upon them. Staff reserves the right to impose these expectations and issue OOC guidance to in-game leaders due to the nature of server impact in game leaders have.

Law Provocation Policy

Purposefully provoking LEOs or drawing attention to yourself from Law Enforcement solely with the intention of starting a violent interaction with Law Enforcement is prohibited. Combat based interaction with LEOs should occur naturally via roleplay. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a ban.

Sisika Prison Policy

Visitation to Sisika Prison is allowed but most be roleplayed as visiting a "maximum security facility." Guests and prisoners should obey Law orders whilst in the prison. Jail breaks and escapes from Sisika are prohibited without staff approval. Approval may be received via direct messaging the WildRP Support Bot on Discord (WildRP Support#2174.)

Train Driver NPC

Do not kill the train driver NPC! Only players with the Train Conductor role may drive the train and throw the NPC driver off the wheel.

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