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Nokosi is one of the many Native Americans of Saint's Crossing.


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Nokosi kneeling mid-hunt.
Biographical Information
Full Name Nokosi Ahanu
Status Alive
Nickname(s) Nokosi the Bear, Bear
Nationality/Ethnicity Native American Cherokee/Seminole
Gender Male
Title Chief Nokosi, Head Ranger Nokosi (formerly)
Occupation Chief of To’Pa Ota
Affiliation(s) Wapiti, To’Pa Ota, Saints Crossings Ranger Corps
Relatives Uyvtlv Unole (father), Ahyoka (mother), Tarlo “Little Bear” (adoptive sister)
Date of Birth Autumn of 1875
Age 25
Place of Birth Within the Iroquois Nation, Ohio
Significant Other Amélie Marchand
Horse Talutah (Thoroughbred, Blood Bay)
Portrayed By AwaBeats


Early Life

Nokosi is a Native American man, coming from Cherokee father and Seminole mother. Nokosi grew up with his father as his only family member after his mother died of childbirth complications.

The tribe that he lived with was a nomadic one; they originally followed the buffalo but kept the same route even after the herds were thinned out. The tribe itself traveled from North Carolina to Ohio

Around the age of 15, tragedy would strike his tribe when a settlement of bandits attacked his tribe. The tribe was unaware of the settlement's nature, they had both kept to themselves with occasional trading made. But they'd only find out before it was too late. When struck, this raid would ultimately scatter the tribe. Nokosi being many of the lost members of the tribe. During the chaos, he’d sacrifice himself to let his adopted sister Tarlo run free from an outlaw attempting to harm her. He’d kill the outlaw in the fight but would fall unconscious to his injuries.

When waking up Nokosi would find himself in the care of American middle aged couple, they had found his unconscious body laying against a tree near where the husband hunts at, due to his condition they expected that after the fight Nokosi must have walked for miles until passing out.

Although thankful for the care Nokosi was quite withdrawn from the couple for sometime, he hid in the stable with a wild horse the couple had rescued, he’d eventually be the one to tame the horse for the family and they'd allow him to keep it as his own. (This horse would be the one he’d ride into Saints Crossing on) He’d name the horse Namid meaning “Star Dancer.”

Nokosi would warm up to the family, and for 5 years he’d live with them, where they taught him more english and and how to write. He’d figured out that they were never able to bear a child which is why they never forced him to leave even after his injuries had healed.

Nokosi though getting to have a new family still had bitterness in his heart towards the greedy people who took advantage of his tribe's kindness, at the age of 20 he left his family to find answers, he didn't know if he would find them but he'd hope to at least find peace within himself. Whether that meant becoming the people he feared or letting his vengeance find the answers for him.

In the end he never went back to his lands, he’d leave in the dark of night, not telling the family that took him in anything. Packing only what he needed, he took up on Namid and left for good. He travelled aimlessly until he found himself in Blackwater.

Life in Saint's Crossing

When arriving in Saints Crossing Nokosi’s first job was that under Virgil, an elderly man who was the first Ranger. He’d work with him to take the citizens of the Crossing on expeditions and wilderness tours. Virgil would pass this position down to Nokosi which would quickly get the oversight of the SCSD and Nokosi being the leader of the Rangers for quite some time.

Nokosi would meet many of the other Native Americans of the crossing, although very comfortable and aligned with the Wapiti people. Nokosi and the other Natives he had befriended would create their own tribe. To’Pa Ota, and they’d all place Nokosi as it’s first chief.



Nokosi is a docile person, he is notably known for being slow to anger and welcoming to practically anyone, due to being alone and much of the past being estranged from city life and large populations. He has trouble with social queues.


Nokosi is a brown skinned man, he has dark brown hair, shaved at the sides but has long hair from the top and back which is braided. Although having a large and diverse knowledge of the outdoor elements and how to combat them he prefers to not wear a shirt or hat. Only dawning such clothing items when the weather calls for it. The outfits he wears are usually that of native american design, generally being made of furs, buckskins, and leathers.


Nokosi is known for his strong relations with the Wapiti, and his tribe the To’Pa Ota is an ally to them. His significant other is French Woman of the name Amélie Marchand, who is one of the first people he met when he stepped into the crossing.


  • Due to his relationship with Amélie Marchand he has a basic understanding of the French Language.
  • Nokosi prefers to use a bow even while on duty as a Ranger, only using firearms under certain circumstances.
  • Nokosi own only one formal suit.


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